Driven Administrator Guide: Prerequisites
version 2.2.6- 1. Prerequisite
1.1. Upgrading
- 2. Planning a Driven Deployment
- 3. Installing and Configuring the Driven Server
- 4. Starting and Stopping the Driven Server
- 5. Uninstalling the Driven Server
5.1. Stopping the Server
- 6. Using the Driven Admin Features
6.1. Manage Users
6.3. Manage Teams
6.4. Manage System
- 7. The Driven Command Line Client
7.1. Installing the Driven CLI Client
7.7. How-To Tips
- 8. Integrating with Third-Party Monitoring Applications
- 9. Upgrading Driven Server
- 10. Troubleshooting Driven
10.1. The Driven Server installation generates a Java incompatibility error
Things to consider before upgrading:
Upgrading from a Driven version of 1.2.x and above can be accomplished with a WAR replacement as documented in Upgrade the Driven Server
However, if you are upgrading from versions 1.0.x or 1.1.x and wish to keep your existing data, you will need to perform a reindex to migrate your data to the current schema.
Documentation on this procedure can be found in older versions of the documentation, but please consider contacting technical support for guidance.
Check your team’s demands and expectations
Driven can be deployed on-premise or in-cloud. It can also be deployed as a single standalone instance or as a tiered cluster.
Check your hardware and software
Java 7 installation on the host computer
If installing Driven as an on-premises application, you should have a server to deploy Driven to, and the server should:
Have 8 GB of RAM or more
Run one of the following 64-bit operating systems:
Mac OS X 10.7 or later
Linux (any 64-bit distribution should do)
The user running the webserver (tomcat) will need to have a home directory.
The required disk space depends on your volume of data ingest.
Time skew can cause strange artifacts in timestamps and display of data, please check to make sure you are running a utility such as ntp on your machines.
Your fully qualified hostname should be resolvable to your IP address. To check it:
On Linux or Mac OS, run the following command:
ping $(hostname -f)
On Windows, to get fully qualified hostname, run:
ipconfig /all
then try to ping that name (it should look like
After you’ve checked your hardware and software, you can proceed to install and configure Driven.