Getting Started Guide: Driven Plugin and Agent Installation

version 2.2.6

Agent and Plugin Installation and Configuration

Download the Driven Plugin or Driven Agent

# latest Cascading plugin
$ wget -i

# latest Hive agent
$ wget -i

# latest MapReduce agent
$ wget -i

# latest Spark agent
$ wget -i

Find your Driven API key

By using a team API key when you run an application, Driven can collect and display a wider range of application performance information. The API also enables collaborative features, such as team-sharing of views.

You need to log into the Driven UI to obtain the API key -

  • On the Welcome Page, you can find your team API key

  • API key is also listed on the Teams view which can be accessed by entering the 'My Accounts' on the top right corner of any page.

Select the Driven Host

Configure the Driven Plugin or Driven Agent

In the current console or within a bash script the command that corresponds to your framework and platform combination.

Framework Platform Installation Start Command Example / Notes


Apache Hadoop 1.x/YARN/Tez

Set the Driven plugin jar in the file:

  • echo >> $HADOOP_CONF/

Set the API key:

  • echo<driven api key> >> ${HADOOP_CONF}/

Set the Driven server host:

  • echo<driven host> >> ${HADOOP_CONF}/

Ensure that the HADOOP_CONF variable is correctly set.

Native MapReduce

Apache Hadoop 1.x

export HADOOP_OPTS="-javaagent:/path/to/driven-agent-mr-<version>.jar=drivenHosts=<driven host>;drivenAPIkey=<driven api key>"

$ hadoop jar path/to/your/app.jar

Native MapReduce

Apache Hadoop 2.x / YARN

export YARN_CLIENT_OPTS="-javaagent:/path/to/driven-agent-mr-<version>.jar=drivenHosts=<driven host>;drivenAPIkey=<driven api key>"

$ yarn jar path/to/your/app.jar

Hive on MapReduce

Apache Hadoop 1.x or Apache Hadoop 2.x / YARN

export HADOOP_OPTS="-javaagent:/path/to/driven-agent-hive-<version>.jar=drivenHosts=<driven host>;drivenAPIkey=<driven api key>"

YARN_CLIENT_OPTS is not honored by Hive

Hive on Apache Tez

Apache Hadoop 2.x / YARN

export HADOOP_OPTS="-javaagent:/path/to/driven-agent-hive-<version>.jar=drivenHosts=<driven host>;drivenAPIkey=<driven api key>"

requires Timeline/History Server running. YARN_CLIENT_OPTS is not honored by Hive

Apache Spark

Apache Hadoop 2.x / YARN - client/cluster mode, Spark standalone - client/cluster mode

Add to spark-submit

  • --driver-java-options "-javaagent:/path/to/driven-agent-spark-<version>.jar=drivenHosts=<driven host>;drivenAPIkey=<driven api key>" and

  • --jars /path/to/driven-agent-spark-<version>.jar

$ spark-submit \
  --master yarn-client \
  --num-executors 3 \
  --driver-memory 4g \
  --executor-memory 2g \
  --executor-cores 1 \
  --driver-java-options "-javaagent:/path/to/driven-agent-spark-<version>.jar=drivenHosts=<driven host>;drivenAPIkey=<driven api key>" \
  --jars /path/to/driven-agent-spark-<version>.jar \
  --class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi \
  ${SPARK_HOME}/lib/spark-examples*.jar 100