Table of Contents

Driven Administrator Guide

version 2.0.5

Version Requirements

Driven components depend on each other and external software. Some of these interdependencies require using particular software versions to function optimally — and in some cases only certain versions operate at all in the deployment. In other cases, specific versioning of components may not be required to run in your environment but are required to obtain technical support.

Other interdependencies include components that are outside the Driven installation, such as which versions of Cascading are certified with specific versions of Apache distros. If you are running a single-node Driven environment from a Tomcat-bundled deployment file, you do not need to check the versions of Driven, Elasticsearch, and Tomcat. The bundled ZIP file is packaged with compatible versions of Tomcat, Elasticsearch, and the Driven WAR file.

Cascading Compatibility Requirements

Table 1. Version compatibility matrix: Driven with Cascading application framework and MapReduce
Driven Cascading JDK Elasticsearch Tomcat


2.1+, 2.2+, 2.5+, 2.6+, 2.7+ 3.0.2+

1.7+ for server, 1.6 for plugin



Table 2. Version compatibility matrix: Driven with Cascading application framework and Apache Tez
Driven Cascading Tez




The JDK, Elasticsearch, and Tomcat version requirements for Driven on Tez are the same as the corresponding versions of Driven on MapReduce in Table 1.

For matrices that detail the interdependencies that Cascading has with other Apache and Java components, see the Compatibility page on the Cascading support website.

Apache Hive and Native MapReduce Compatibility Requirements

To use Driven with applications coded in native MapReduce or Apache Hive, the Driven Agent must be deployed. See the Driven Agent Guide for more information.

See Table 1 for JDK, Elasticsearch, and Tomcat interdependencies with Driven. Refer to the Driven version number in Table 1 that matches your Driven Agent version number.

Table 3. Version compatibility matrix: Driven with Hive application framework and MapReduce execution engine
Driven Agent Hive Execution Engine


> 0.13.0

Hadoop 1.x or 2.x

Table 4. Version compatibility matrix: Driven with Hive application framework and Tez execution engine
Driven Agent Hive Execution Engine


>= 0.14.0

Tez >= 0.5.2 and Hadoop 2.2+

Table 5. Version compatibility matrix: Driven with native MapReduce applications
Driven Agent MapReduce Execution Engine


mapred.* or mapreduce.* APIs

Hadoop 1.x or 2.x

See Driven Agent for Hive for more details about Hive versions that can be used with Driven.

See Driven Agent for MapReduce for more information about Driven integration with MapReduce.
